Ronna HermanVerzane ( and Randall Monk ( present:
“Radiant Earth and Global Meditation” — 1 hour, 14 minutes (note: first 14 minutes are people signing in on the chat before presentation begins)
- Age of Aquarius
- Discernment
- Radiant Earth Global Meditation
- Spontaneous, unplanned appearance of Archangel Michael with blessing for the Lightworkers (last few minutes, very special)
Let us eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes towards us out of the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations of the future. We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come. And we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world direction full of wisdom. It is part of what we must learn in this age, namely, to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence – trust in the ever-present help of the spiritual world. Truly, nothing else will do if our courage is not to fail us. Let us discipline our will. And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves every morning and every evening.
~ R. Steiner
“The most divine place on Earth, where there is the most Light on this planet, exists in the Human mind within Human energy. It’s within the angelic part of humanity tht wishes to show itself, enable itself, and claim its divinity. There’s no group of bright, white angels who are standing by to take your hand whip you into heaven should you choose to go. no. Instead, they’re sanding by in full regalia, willing to celebrate and press upon you with their energies to let you knon they’re there. The planet of free choice is like that. It’s the Human who’s enabled, and it’s the human who will make the difference in the history of the planet. It’s the Human who has the responsibility for dark and light, not an outside force that is vying for your soul. But you’ve always known that, haven’t you? ~Kyron, Book 10, p. 232
Whatever is glorious, excellent, beautiful and mighty,
be assured that it comes from a fragment of My Splendor.
I sustain this universe with only a small part of Myself.
-Bhagavad Gita
“In this world the wise person becomes themselves a light–
pure, shining, free.
The seeker who sets out upon the way shines bright over the world.
Like the moon — come out from behind the clouds! Shine.
~ Buddha
Cultivate Virtue in yourself, and Virtue will be real.
Cultivate it in the village, and Virtue will grow.
Cultivate in in the nation, and Virtue will be abundant.
Cultivate it in the universe, and Virtue will be everywhere.
~Lao Tsu
A portion of the children of Israel believed, and a portion
disbelieved; but
We gave power to those who believed, and they became the ones
that prevailed.
~The Koran, Sura LXI, 14
My smallest work in the inner plane is worth more than all I do in the outer world. ~Hazrat Inayat Khan
When you shine with Peace, you expose that light to everyone.
~ Sri Swami Satchidananda
It is good and pleasant for brothers to live together in unity.
~ Psalms 133:1
Let thy Light so shine that others taking note may take heart also.
~Edgar Cayce
The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth.
This we know. All things are connected like the blood which
unites One Family. All things are connected. Whatever
befalls the earth befalls the sons-daughters of the earth. Man does not
weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he
does to the web, he does to himself. ~Chief Seattle
The rabbi put this question to his students: “How can we determine the hour of dawn, when the night ends and the day begins?”
“When from a distance you can distinguish between a dog and a sheep,” suggested one. “No,” answered the rabbi. “When you can distinguish between a fig tree and a grapevine,” offered another. “No.”
Tell us, ” the students said. The teacher answered: “When you look into the face of a human being and have enough light to recognize in him your brother /sister. Up until then it is night and darkness is still with us.”
~ a Hasidic tale
Long ago the mystic words went forth, “Let There Be Light!”
There is a vibration from the heart of God which radiates light;
when you have realized your union with that light within your
innermost being, you will understand the power of those
words…Learn to project light and love continually, not from your
lips, but from the power-house within your innermost being.
~ White Eagle