The broken heart is the doorway to the soul. The caterpillar is about to start it’s transformation to a whole new understanding and perspective about life.
Being a caterpillar is not the whole story, even though, while a caterpillar, it felt like it was. The discovery, the awareness that we each have TWO parts: our physical body AND our soul within is a huge awakening. It requires turning inward. It requires being still. It requires exploring the heart.
How we see ourselves now can take on a whole new level of meaning and understanding. When we look at ourselves through the lens of our soul, we recognize the divine spark that is within everyone’s heart. This can lead to a freedom and a peace that the caterpillar never knows about. Our sense of self is no longer limited, we start to identify with the reality of being a part of the universe. We start to awaken to the truth of our own incredible, amazing selves, through which life can express itself. We start to see The Big Picture, of our part in the universe. That we are all One, connected, yet unique. All great truths are paradoxes, where opposite things are both true at the same time.
Our thinking shifts from “either / or” to “both / and”. We see ourselves in “the other”. There is a depth and a joy to life that didn’t exist before. There is a peace when we realize we are soul first, that is going through an experience in a body. Read that last sentence several times. That is a Great Truth. Yes, it is about what happens to our soul that is most important in life. We are soul first. New way of thinking.
Who am I? A child of the Divine, of pure love, of creativity, of Life itself.
Why am I here? To learn, to grow, to develop the qualities of my soul.
What’s the meaning to life? To serve, create, become love, to know deep joy and peace that knows no end.
Life is very different as a butterfly. There is a freedom in this higher perspective. There is a very different energy to life in this bigger view. The anxieties, the low self worth, the insecurities fade away. We step into who we really are and claim our power as co-creators of beauty, love, harmony. We become love in action and being. The fruits of the spirit are evident. We shine. We shine our light out into the world. The world becomes a better place because of what we bring to it.
The choice is ours. The path is our own. No one else can do it for us. We have choices, but it involves leaps into the unknown. Not everyone chooses this path. Fear or love? Big question. How we respond to that question determines our outcomes. Let fear be your master and your life gets smaller and smaller, in trying to seek that illusion of control, security, the known. See your life as only the body, and a person will always have fear and insecurity, because the body ages and dies. Choose love, let the heart open, and life expands, takes on meaning and feels fulfilling. Choose service and know joy. When we see life through the eyes of our soul, life is eternal. This body is temporary, but life itself never ends. We are truly part of the ever evolving universe.
As Carolyn Myss, so brilliantly says, with the imagery of living in a 12 story building in New York City, “we can all be living at the same address, but what floor of the building we live on, gives a whole different view of life.” Life on ground level in NYC is totally different than life in the penthouse on the 12th floor. When we transform from the caterpillar to the butterfly, we start to live from the perspective of that 12th floor with an amazing view. Our individual choices. The answers are within, in the heart and soul.
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