Inner Peace
“You are in the universe, and the universe is in you.”
by Jean Houston
Click here for the whole poem.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
~ Teilhard de Chardin 1881-1955
Go deep within your Self and REMEMBER the Truth of who you are. Let this soak into your Being, into your cells. You are indeed a child of the UNIVERSE. All that you long for is within your Being. That is where you will find peace and love and joy and finally be free. That divinity is within your heart. But, you need to take the time to be still and go within, to connect to your True Self.
You come in, are born, have a physical body with its limited ego-personality, and go through all the stages of physical life, represented here by the 4×4 grid. It is easy to forget and get lost in power and pull of the illusions, glitter, fears, addictions and lies. If you believe you are alone, just a producer and consumer, you can narrow your focus on stuff, your titles, appearance, and actions. But the Physical world disappears. Thinking you are separate leads to the fear, greed, abuse, hatred of “the other” and destruction of each other, the land and animals. Your real Being is eternal, unlimited, at one with all others and the earth. When you genuinely experience Oneness, by being still, going into your heart, your life profoundly changes, and you start to live grounded in Truth. Your Infinite Soul’s perception becomes expansive. Your Ego’s perception is narrow, with its fearful, finite, survival-based view of life.
Your Infinite Universal Self gets forgotten amid the heaviness of the finite physical body in the material, dense world of your earth journey. Your view of yourself becomes small and distorted, moving into despair, depression, distraction, while you are continually doing, and busy, with addictions to numb the pain and apparent meaninglessness of it all.
The world is now at a crossroads. Step back, wake up to your greater Truth. You are a magnificent spiritual being, with the earthly challenge of temporarily being in a physical body that deludes you into thinking you are separate, unlovable, limited and powerless.
Your beliefs create your perceptions, create your values and priorities, create your choices, create your heaven or hell experience of life here on earth. We each have an Ego and a Soul. Learning to live in balance with both Ego and Soul is a lifelong challenge. We can range from the worst of humanity to the absolute finest of humanity. We shape and create our world. We live in a world of free will and duality. Learning wisdom and living day-to-day, balancing life’s polarities is a vast, ongoing accomplishment.
It is time to let go of those illusions, delusions, and lies and wake up to the Truth of who you are, what you are. You are at One with all of creation. When you do, you will KNOW love and experience true peace and joy. Pain and fear can fall away. You can know the bliss that is beyond words that you came in from, and will return to. Earth is the schoolroom for your Soul to continue to learn, grow, and evolve in co-creating in service and love. You are not just the caterpillar; you are to become the butterfly and know joy. ~ Caterina
“My smallest work in the inner plane is worth more than all I do in the outer world.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Refer to these links for steps toward Inner Peace.
Created by Everyday Masters.
The Grace of Discernment, your Truth Monitor
Carolyn Myss ( Video 11:34 minutes
The Higher Truths of what life is all about, the Mystical Laws of Co-Creation. The power you have to disconnect from the illusions of fear that dis-empower you. Through the gift of discernment, replace fear with wisdom, and stay empowered.
There is much wisdom expressed in these 11:34 minutes. Worth listening to several times.
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He/She experiences him or her self, thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of his / her consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” —Albert Einstein