“In the flow of life, destruction never has the last word; creation brings a phoenix out of the ashes every time. “ ~Deepak Chopra
You may wonder why I’m starting the human journey with grief. That may feel like a strange place to begin. But until there is grief, a person tends to live life on the surface, with an outward focus on what others think, expect, and admire. The doing and achieving tend to be what the outside world esteems and tell us are essential. There is a lot of emphasis on trying to get the approval of others. The glitter and glamour of life are what are seductive and become valued. Money, power, stuff, glamour, and fame all become goals sought and envied. These are what the world of advertising, media, consumerism are all about. These get us to believe our wants and desires are “have to have’s.” We see a very hierarchical world of “better than” and “less than.” We see our value as human beings through the lens of money, power, beauty, greed at the expense of others. We then value conquering the land, devaluing “the other” who is a threat, a competition. We destroy the earth and kill the animals. The focus is on Self by throwing others “under the bus” since we are focusing on Self. Fear rules and is used to manipulate others. We believe that we are separate from others, the land, and the animals. Fear and insecurity rule us. Our total focus is SELF, from an Ego level of understanding, values, and world view.
Loss and grief can bring all of that to a sudden halt, revealing the emptiness and hollowness of this way of living. We were unaware and ignored it. We can question our previous beliefs. Our old values may fall apart. Our understanding of life can blow up in our face.
Then we can start an Inward Journey and discover and awaken to the Soul that has always been there. We begin to see the world, others, and ourselves through new eyes. Then authentic experience can start to begin.
It is like always believing the earth is flat and suddenly discovering and realizing the earth is round. Or when the belief that the sun rotates around the earth changed with the knowledge of the earth revolves around the sun. Everything shifts, and new ideas, understanding, and values emerge. But meanwhile, there can be a period of disorientation, confusion, resistance, and loss of grounding, both individually and collectively, during this transition to a new level. Covid-19 is causing such a disruption. The world is shifting from a 3-D with the end of the Piscean Age to a 5-D consciousness more firmly into the Aquarian Age.
I am here to assist others in this transition, both at the individual level with “The Human Journey” section of the website and collectively with “The Grid of Light and Love.” Whether you are at the “getting your feet back under you” stage, or the Grid of Light of “I want to serve” stage of readiness, I want to help. You can step right into an already awake and empowered arena of service or a beginning stage. Anywhere on the continuum of consciousness and awareness you are, I would like to help you.
Hence, this is where I start with our Human Journey.
“Forgiveness is one of the hardest lessons that humanity has to learn; but as a person forgives, so he/she, him/herself is forgiven…Forgiveness in your heart brings sunshine, peace of Soul, and tranquility into your life. Affirm: I trust in the divine plan. I forgive myself and everyone unconditionally.” ~White Eagle
Ah, surrender. An easy word to say, but surely not an easy thing to live! We usually resist Surrender with all our might. The Ego is under the illusion that Surrender means Death. So the incredible force of survival is what fuels that strength of resistance. Kicking and screaming, Surrender is frequently only given in to when ALL else fails, and there is no other option left.
Most of us have to explore multiple options that ultimately lead to a dead-end, after dead-end, before giving in to surrender. We keep thinking the answer is “out there” vs. Surrendering and going within to our inner being, our heart.
However, the irony, the paradox is discovering, to one’s amazement, that instead of dying, actually surrendering can bring freedom and peace never experienced before. With Surrender, we frequently find that there is a Greater Force in the universe beyond our Ego, behind the flow of all life. When we learn to BE IN THAT FLOW, life takes on a whole different perspective. We gain new understanding, and life becomes much more manageable. The ultimate is learning to say YES to all of life, the so-called “good and the bad.” When we learn to accept and work with reality, with life just as it shows up, just as it unfolds, we find we are free. Suffering comes from resisting what is. When we deny, fight, resist life as it is, we suffer. The choice is ours. Life is a very challenging path until we understand and choose to Surrender. Surrender is an act of will; it is not passive. It is a choice.
“Always allow your intuition and your heart to take precedence over the earthly mind. Let your spiritual mind rule your lower mind: let it rule your life and all the happenings in your life. Affirm: I give myself to the divine wisdom.” ~White Eagle.
Ah, growth. Growth is the awesome energy of Spring. Life is born anew. Growth is an exciting time. Energies within and without start flowing. There is an aliveness as well as a sigh of relief. Winter is over, and the sun is shining, hope is high. You’ve made it through another dark, cold winter to see the Spring once again. The force and speed of Spring are incredible.
I grew up in Wisconsin, with long, cold winters. I will never forget one Spring. My parents owned and rented out the house next door to us. The driveways of the two homes were right beside each other. My parents had blacktopped the joined-driveways with the blacktop going right up to the house on each side, to prevent melting snow from leaking into the basements.
The house next door had previously had a tiny flower bed area where Lilies of the Valley grew in the Spring. As a child, I loved those small, delicate, pure white flowers. I was sad that they disappeared due to the blacktop covering them. However, I underestimated the power of Spring and growth. Lo and behold, come Spring, those tiny delicate flowers came pushing there way up through several thick, heavy inches of blacktop, to wave in the breeze once again.
When growth is going to happen, watch out. There is an unstoppable force of life behind it.
The cycles of life are reassuring. Your heart feels open with wonder and curiosity. The flow of life is carrying you along. There isn’t such a struggle just to survive to keep going day by day. Beauty surrounds you. Winter is behind you. The possibilities look endless and open. Spring is the energy of youth. You breathe it in, and it fills you with wonder, awe, and gratitude. The wind is at your back, and joy fills your being. Spring brings the excitement of the “falling in love.” You wish you could feel this way all of the time.
Creativity – Service
“Love is not possessive. To love is to give; Love is a radiation, a sending forth from the heart of a sweet essence which heals. Affirm: I am divine Love.” ~White Eagle
You are now integrating the entire cycle of the loss, grief, struggle, endurance, going inward, and questioning. The heaviness of the dark night of the Soul is behind you, and in its place, you find new wisdom, new understandings, more compassion for others, more depth, more inner strength. You are grateful for growth and learning. You have the fulfillment of making it through to this stage, where the fruits of the spirit develop, bloom, and appear.
You can tell that you are now living from a higher perspective of what life is all about. There is a natural feeling that starts to flow up and out of wanting to turn around and help others on this same journey. You want to give others the support, encouragement, assistance, hope that, yes, “You can make it through the grief and the struggle.
I have reached the creativity and service stage; you can do it too. Darkness is not all of the story. There can be a new life and new hope on the other side of it. Hang on, “keep on keeping on.”
Come see the view from here. It is incredible.”. You now embody hope and inspiration for others. Your newer, more profound Love and compassion flow out of you and into the world around you and the lives of others.
This is also the stage of creativity, where inspiration can flow through you. YOU start creating life yourself: music, writing, art, gardens, designing, decoration, building, social improvements, volunteering for community work for the betterment of all. You find new energy and a force of wanting to create something that did not exist before. You become a force of life and creation. You contribute your unique gifts to others and the world. Out of death comes new life. You embody the Easter story within your own life, from death to transformation.
Life repeats this cycle over and over, just like the seasons. When you have survived it once, completing all four seasons, you can now recognize the path. “Ah, I have been here before. I remember this.” the feelings can be a combination of, “Oh, can I do this again? Do I have the strength, do I have what it takes again?” There can be fear, but there is also the knowledge that it was a cycle before, and Spring did return, so hope tempers concern. You can keep going and the winter of darkness can end in the light once again. ~ Caterina
This is the flow of life and Death and Life again. Over and over.
I strongly recommend the book: “Sacred Eyes” by L. Robert Keck.
This book gives an excellent developmental overview of the history of humankind. It starts in our “childhood phase” (agrarian, Goddess centered, honoring women, children, the land, animals, feminine values, focus on the heart and the sacred, no warfare). Then it progresses to our “adolescent stage” (conquer the land, destroy the animals, patriarchal abuse of power, focus on science and mind without the balance of heart and Soul, dishonoring of women, male adolescent values, wars). The book then describes our “adult phase” that we are entering at this time in the history (balancing and respect of male and female energies, honoring the land and the animals, peace, spiritual values).