Ah, the emotions! These can be some real friends and some real “enemies”—meaning our greatest allies and also some of our biggest challenges. Especially for those who “lead with feelings” as far as internal wiring on how they first process the world around them. This one is also huge in whether the feelings are at the ego level vs the soul level. This is an easy one to talk about it, but to really learn to live from soul level at all of these areas is a lifelong quest. This one really makes a difference too on what “soul age” a person is at, from “infant” to “old soul”. Think the 2 yr old vs the 90yr old, in how they express emotions. This area is a core factor in relationships and relationship conflicts or harmony. Where we are in this influences whether we take things personally, easily getting hurt, defensive or whether we have developed the ability to step back, detach, observe and not take things personally.
Look at this through the lens of each of the core feelings: mad, sad, scared. Think about cultural programming, country to country and also male and female, of what is labeled “right” or “wrong” as a way to feel.
The healthy message is, “It is OK to feel ALL of your feelings. It is what you DO with the feeling that needs to be filtered through 3 filters: not do anything to harm yourself, or others, or anything that is illegal. ”