When we do manage to integrate, balance, and experience the joy of that Wholeness, what incredible satisfaction and gratefulness we feel. It’s like the sun coming out after a long storm. We can sit back, rest, and enjoy the fruits of our labors. The view is beautiful. We can feel deep contentment and fulfillment within our being. It is well worth the journey to arrive here, even if for a brief moment where we can learn this is possible and how it feels. Wholeness, what does it mean, how do we each get there? I use the image of figure 8, a vertical infinity sign, as the symbol for Wholeness. It is alive, and it is dynamic, it is ever-growing in strength. The upper circle represents the Unseen World, the eternal and infinite universe we come from. The lower circle represents the Ego, the temporary human journey, while in a physical body. The crossing point of the two circles is when the Soul comes into the body at birth and then again when the Soul leaves the body at physical death. It is possible to live one’s entire life in just the lower circle of Ego, never aware that the upper circle even exists. Living only in the Ego is especially true when any addictions are involved, where the person turns to the addiction(s) to escape and numb the emotional pains and traumas of the physical life in this dense energy world. A life lived only as the Ego is the caterpillar who has no idea that it has built, within it, the potential to become a butterfly, with whole new life experience and perspective. The addictions, while they numb feelings, also numb thinking and awareness that can help the person grow and discover the divine upper circle energy that lies within their hearts. Thus they never learn the inner Truth that can bring real relief, peace, and a different perspective about life while on this planet. Some people have been able to discover this during a “near-death experience” with a “life review” as part of it, coming back into their bodies and lives with remarkably changed understandings and goals. Danion Brinkley, the author now of a couple of books, is a perfect example of this. He states, “I was a good ole boy; I was a jerk!”. The story of his life changes after experiencing two near-death experiences is fascinating. For some people, they may get brief glimpses that there is something more than just the lower circle, to life. Such a sight might be a moment like the birth of a new baby, incredible music that awakens the heart and Soul, remarkable beauty that takes one’s breath away. Or it could be a genuine heart-to-heart connection with another, the euphoria of falling in love, being inspired by another person’s service, and loving action. Or it could be witnessing someone being able to forgive the unforgivable. All of these can break down the inside walls and open the heart and mind, giving glimpses of a higher realm of love, beauty, awe, wonder, oneness, expansiveness, connection, peace, joy. These are those moments of priceless and precious gifts of grace. Then there can be those nightmare moments that are life-changing. These can be the profound life changers that there is no going back from–those experiences that take us to our knees and can break our hearts. Such a life-changing moment could be a natural disaster when you barely escaped an accident that could have killed you or a loved one. Or it could be sudden, an alarming health issue that threatens death, or a war, a shooting, or death of a child. It could be unforeseen “Dear John” letter, ending a long term marriage or relationship, or worldwide pandemic such as the Covid-19. Notice a theme? Life happens. These frequently can involve life/death situations—so they grab our attention and force a shakeup in our lives, usually feared, not wanted at all and not foreseen. These are those unpredictable moments where our life changes in a second, and we are left numb in shock and disbelief. How could this happen? However, significant changes can also come from profound moments of joy. There also can be mystical experiences, where for a moment, you experience a union with the Divine that leaves you changed, opened, seeing life in a whole new way. This experience is not just a glimpse of the upper circle, this is visiting there for a while, where you experience it, and it becomes a part of you. When you re-enter the lower circle, you can never think of life the same again. You now KNOW that both circles exist. This experience creates a hunger to visit the upper circle again and again. But how? Beware though. A moment can also be false, disguised, and from the illusion that can happen with affairs, especially at midlife crisis time. The very beginning chemical high that comes with falling in love, which breaks open the walls around the heart and a person feels the euphoria of oneness temporarily, can be very deceptive and misleading. A person can throw away their entire life, chasing a fantasy, to only find out that with time, it was a fantasy and not based in reality. There are no short cuts. However, that beginning chemical high of falling in love gives us a glimpse into the spiritual high that is real and can be lasting. As humans, it is pretty universal to have the illusion that our answers are OUTSIDE of us. But when that illusion dead-ends, then we think Well, that was just the wrong road; I need to try another job, partner, income, car, house, etc. and THEN I’ll be happy, and it will last. Ultimately, after enough dead ends, a person may finally realize, in defeat, depression, and resignation, that seeking outside for happiness isn’t the way and eventually starts to look INSIDE, which is the direction that can finally bring some lasting answers. This person, after finally going inward, is now aware of both the lower and upper circles. Now the person needs to learn how to balance the two areas, which takes time, awareness and practice. Eventually, a person can learn to move back and forth fluidly between the two circles, looking at each situation and decision from both points of view. This person can learn to balance and integrate both worlds. Like any skill, it takes a while to master this balance. Once mastered, there is a feeling of inner peace, and inner strength, and a love that smoothly flows out to others. This mastery is the “head in the heavens, feet on the ground” that the Sufi’s (the Islamic mystics ) talk about. There is a more detached, less personal view of life. A person is more centered, less reactive to all the drama happening around them. They can observe life and others but not react as personally, defensively. It is like learning to live in the eye of the hurricane of life in a quiet, centered place. These Masters are the Wayshowers, the Spiritual Teachers and Guides, the Earth Angels, the Sacred Earthwalkers, the Lightworkers, These Masters are the Saints, the Peace, and Justice Workers willing to risk their lives. They are the Holy Ones, the Mystics experiencing direct contact and communication with the Divine with the morphic field, inspiring others that inner peace, amid earthly suffering and chaos, is possible. These are the people, who one by one, are building heaven here on earth. Those who have experienced and know these truths and this balance naturally want to share. They desire to give, to heal, to create, to love, to fix, to inspire, to change what is creating suffering and limitations in our lives and the world. Now the person sees holiness in Being and Action. This person has learned to live in a balance of love, wisdom, and power, in action, in the world. You can feel this energy when you are in this person’s presence. At it’s best, these people become co-creators, learning to work with that higher energy, helping the world evolve into a better place for all. Seeing these persons in action we can witness miracles. The Ego looks for peace — the spirit rests in it The Ego looks for love –the spirit gives it freely The Ego is in constant search for happiness — The spirit is absorbed in joy The Ego looks for control — the spirit is totally free The Ego looks for longevity — The spirit is immortal The Ego accumulates information — the spirit is Supreme Wisdom The Ego is limited by space and time — the spirit is boundless The Ego is only a player in a show — the spirit is life itself The Ego is false — the spirit is real The Ego wants more and more — the spirit has it all! Then, life involves another whole area of balance. Our world here on earth is based on dualities, those either/or ways of thinking that so predominate and divide our world into its separate factions of “I’m right/you’re wrong” ways of closed, stubborn thinking. The Ego cares only about itself due to being stuck in believing all the illusions, fear, and pain of Ego by itself. It’s all about survival and feeling threatened. Spirit cares about others, having seen through the illusions and has connected with Source. These people see themselves in the other and understand both matter. We are all in this together, which creates more openness, empathy, understanding, cooperation. This is why we see in human beings the polarities of these two parts, which end up showing the worst of human nature and the best of human nature. Wisdom knows there are value and importance in BOTH ends of all the dualities, the polarities, that are so much an integral part of this world and our day to day lives and relationships. Taking EITHER end is a weakness and has problems with it. The goal is to learn to see the wisdom that is in BOTH parts, then integrate and learn to balance in the middle. As the Buddha would describe as “The Middle Way.” For still another view, see The Eagle and the Condor. So, Wholeness involves learning to balance from both directions: the Ego and the spiritual AND also to learn, understand, integrate and balance the polarities we all live with every day: work and play, doing and being, etc., etc. In our world at this time, we are witnessing the two polarities taken to their extremes and all the turmoil that goes with them. We are indeed seeing BOTH the best and worst of human nature. Do NOT lose hope. Anchor yourself in the bigger picture. We are in the midst of a significant turning point for our earth. Transition times are messy. In the big picture, this is a momentous time of transformation for the earth and all life upon it. Transformation is tumultuous, and the movement forward that is evolving to another higher level is met with HUGE resistance and blockage, by any means possible, to try to keep things the way they were. However, this is like trying to stop the tide, trying to stop the seasons, trying to stop a baby from growing into an adult, trying to stop the aging process into the elderly stage. It’s not going to happen. In the long run, in the bigger picture, the resistance is NOT going to succeed. Growth and evolving will win in the end. Our choice is where we invest and put our attention, energy, resources. That is what we have control over. We each decide if we want to put our energies towards the worst or the best of human nature and human qualities. It’s our individual choice. We live on a planet of free will, and we experience the consequences of our choices, either within this lifetime, or perhaps the next time around. But that is a spiritual law; choices have consequences. It’s just a matter of when and how. Hence we learn. The easy way or the hard way. The slow way or the quick way. But the lessons for the Soul, the curriculum, are the same for all of us. But within that, we have the freedom of our choices, and the freedom of our attitudes, in response to other people and life’s events and experiences. ~Caterina Paul Levy, author of this article on Coronavirus Optimism or Pessimism This is a fascinating, thought-provoking, wise article regarding previous articles. I intend to look up his books and read them. Science and Nonduality I recommend this group, “Science and Nonduality,” also referred to as SAND. The couple who founded them is so sincere and heart-centered. They bring in excellent speakers with the same beautiful energy. Much wisdom, openness, kindness and love. The Ego and the Spirit from “Shortcut to Spirituality:
Mastering the Art of Inner Peace” by Bob Gottfried
See Growth page for the 4×4 Journey Map
and tools to help move towards Wholeness
Wholeness. Just that word soothes the Soul, calms the stomach, deepens the breath, drops the tension from the shoulders. Yet, Wholeness is a demanding quality to accomplish and maintain, requiring a great deal of wisdom, life experience, skill, and practice. Striving for this lasts a lifetime(s). First, realize that life is not just about the Ego, that the Soul exists within each of us. Then learn to balance and integrate the Ego and Soul, a very challenging balancing act that takes practice, experience, and skill. Plus, we never complete this balancing act. We need to balance the two with ongoing awareness and attention hour-to-hour, day-after-day. With each life event, each stage in life, we need to re-learn this balancing path. However, it gets more comfortable each time.
By Amanda Ellis -1 hour 26 minutes
By Carolyn Myss – 24 minutes