This is a video introduction to website by its founder, Caterina Arends. This site was divinely inspired as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The “dress rehearsal” for this was “Let There Be Light!” in 1994. The goal is to create a Light Grid of Love, surrounding the earth, with a critical mass/tipping point of 1,000,000 participants co-creating in Oneness, sending out thoughts of love and goodwill for the earth and all life upon it. My challenge to you is to have this spread as fast as Covid-19 did, and reach the tipping point goal of 1,000,000 participants by September 21st, 2020, the fall equinox, the United Nations International Day of Peace and the Global Celebration of Peace Weekend, September 19-21. Spread the word! Working together, as a united team with one goal, we can co-create, making this grid a reality. Believe it! Is Spirit calling YOU – to be a contributor to this Light Grid of Love? Listen to your Heart.
Introduction video to The Vision Holders – by Caterina
Two minute clip from: Introduction
Twenty seven minute video – Introduction
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