This website has five forums, spaces for heart-centered sharing, and supportive, respectful discussions. You may choose to participate wherever you feel called, whether one forum, none, or all five. The decision is totally up to you. These are meant to be safe, inclusive spaces where all are welcomed and feel accepted wherever you are in your journey. Please be patient, kind, and tolerant with each other, open to learning.
Sharing from the heart is precious and sacred, an act of trust, and needs to be respected in that way. Authentic heart connection contributes to our truly experiencing our Oneness in this Sacred, but challenging, Soul Journey in a human body. Let’s be there for one another. We do not walk this path alone. Sometimes we are the one leaning, and sometimes we are the one being leaned upon. Life can be very humbling. The way is the same for all of us. We just are at different places on the path, and that is just fine. I want all to feel welcome and safe. We are in this together.
Forum Guidelines:
The guidelines for the forum are the same as for the facebook group, The Vision Holders Community:
- Be kind and courteous 2. No hate speech or bullying 3.No promotions or spam 4. Respect everyone’s privacy 5. Focus here is to raise energy, please avoid “fear stuff” and by that I mean this is not the site for politics of “conspiracy theories” etc. Use language that is what we WANT to have happen, rather than what we DON’T want.
*One forum will be for the Light Grid participants, to share their experiences and reflections as members of the Grid of Light and Love surrounding our Earth> This forum is for developing our synergistic power of unity as a community and our Oneness of purpose in assisting the Earth at this time of rebirthing it to a higher level of vibration and consciousness.
*The other four forums are to be supportive of different phases (which we often revisit again and again at new levels of experience and understanding, since life is not linear but an ever-unfolding spiral) of our Life Journeys. The four areas are Grief, Surrender, Growth, Creativity-Service.
The intention with the forums is to create a safe space for sharing wherever we are in our human journeys: from Healing to Wholeness to Holiness. Healing involves grief and surrender. Wholeness means growth and learning to balance the ego and SoulSoul, eventually being able to move back and forth to both easily fluidly. Holiness consists of a commitment to serve, through creativity, and the multiple options of serving, using your energy for good, to make a positive difference in the world and the lives around you.
There is a 4×4 journey “map” (which is a spiral, as we live it) with 16 squares offered as guidance. In the links off to the right side of “Healing,” there are several steps to help guide you through different ways of looking at what you are currently experiencing. I will be referring to these in blogs and our forums. I also include some personality models as different perspectives as ways to gain insights into ourselves to further our growth and understanding of each other and our relationships.
When Covid-19 hit, I knew immediately that it was time for me to step up with courage, dedication, and service– to be vulnerable and fully visible in ALL of who I am, including my “woo-woo” part to those who know me, but may not have been aware of that part of me. Time to stop filtering what I would let be visible and to whom. There isn’t time for that now. I have to be free to be and express my full self. This is what I came to Earth to do. Now is the time.
My entire life has prepared me to be of service for precisely this time. My mystical experiences (see Caterina’s Story) in 1980, 1989, 1991, and 1994 all opened me to my Soul. They laid the groundwork for the last 30 years of intense spiritual learning, experiencing, conferences, seminars, sacred journeys, and pilgrimages around the world. During the 1989 mystical experience, the Inner Voice said to me, “You are being given this sneak preview of heaven and this bliss, so you know it is real. Now, learn how to get here deliberately and then teach that to others.” All of this is combined with my teaching in different settings, along with my 40 years of my Private Practice, Professional Counseling and Life Coaching, also in various settings–from hospital programs to my private practice.
I have and do work with the entire spectrum of human growth and development. I work to help bring healing to those who have been severely traumatized to guiding, inspiring, empowering others to live and serve in the highest potential of their Authentic Selves, and then everything in between those two ends of the continuum. I love the whole range, for it uses different parts of me. My work is my joy and my blessing.
It is truly an honor to serve, using the skills I was given and have actively developed. This is simply who I am. This is like breathing for me. My work is my calling. One of my graduate school professors commented, “You are like an active sponge when it comes to learning.” True! I am an absolute “bookaholic.” Learning is, and will continue to be, a lifelong passion for me, just like for my 101 yr old mother and also for my awesome, wonderful daughter.
My 1994 “dress rehearsal” of doing “Let There Be Light!” has now come around again in a more significant and more holistic way. The life-changing learnings gained from my mystical experiences are meant to be used to help others find their way as they awaken and increase their consciousness. My specific calling is to be one that helps pull together and strengthen this Light Grid of Love. Now is the time to pull all these parts of my life together and put them into The Vision Holders project. Now with the whole range of these parts I want to support those waking up to their souls at this time due to Covid-19, etc., and ask the already spiritually awakened ones to co-create forming and strengthening the Light Grid of Love enveloping Earth. I am calling the Kindred Souls, to join with the team and me together in creating and networking this grid.
What I do, who I am, is my “Love Made Visible,” as Kahlil Gibran would say. I have 73 years of living (this time around): 50+ years teaching, Professional Counseling and Life Coaching. I also have dedicated the last 30 intensive years to spiritual growth, learning and living. I feel very ready to offer all of who I AM, in the service of others. The Vision Holders is creating my legacy. It is my weaving all the parts of my life together to offer to others, with a heart full of love for all, as well as a deep love for our Mother Earth and her spectacular variety and breath-taking beauty.
My life purpose is to help empower others to be all they can be. This is truly an honor, a privilege, a blessing, and brings me deep joy and fulfillment.
I will be monitoring and participating in all of the forums, supporting each of you in your journeys. We will strive to bring the energies of heaven to Earth, both within ourselves and in the outer world of our Mother Earth, as well as in our relationships with each other as One Human Family.
And so it is.
Aho! Amen.
Ohm, Aum.
It is done.
May the ancient wisdom of the Indigenous be lived again. May the deep, profound healing for all of the eons of pain and suffering and misuse of power be healed and cleared through the violet flame of St. Germane, opening our hearts in wisdom, grace and forgiveness.
May Our Mother/Father God’s blessings, along with all the Higher Beings of Light working with us, be upon this wor, and each of us, in our sacred journeys and service.
We give thanks to All of the Higher Beings of Love and Light, who are devotedly working through us to make this possible. We are ready to be co-creators, creating the miracles of the Golden Age of Mother Gaia.
May the sacredness and holiness of life return. We bow, acknowledge and give thanks that it is so.
~ Caterina