When we are dealing with spiritual energy, the sun’s energy and power is a reminder of what we are working with her.
This is where the “soul age” can really show. This row is labeled “spiritual”, however, when each level is coming from the ego rather than the soul, it can be VERY confusing to observe, because it doesn’t come across as spiritual at all!
The younger soul ages, operating from the ego level can be very dogmatically, rigidly “religious”, but in a very divided, “right /wrong’ mentality and behavior. This can be very racist, not seeing “the other” as having anything to do with themselves. This can have very cruel behavior “justified”, with very closed thinking. It can be a very “tribal” thinking. This is what can give “religion” a bad name, where the person may think of themselves and act on Sundays (or whatever the sacred day is in their religion) but not act in a religious / loving / kind way the rest of the week. They don’t see the incongruity of that.
As a soul grows in awareness and maturity the beliefs and actions become more congruent. The thinking becomes more open. Empathy develops, the beginning of seeing the connection between people, regardless of surface differences, begins to grow.
Some people eventually move beyond a lot of the “organized religions” into the more esoteric, mystical, spiritual realm of understandings and beliefs. Their lives begin to show love in action. There starts to be more integrity, coherence in the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions. There is more unconditional love, rather than conditional love, ( the “I’ll love you only if you do things my way, the right way, etc”. )
This becomes giving for the true sake of giving. It doesn’t have those icky “strings attached”. These are the people, who if they are involved with institutional religion, give church and religion a good name.
Some people are “religious” but not “spiritual”, others are both and some are not “religious” but are
“spiritual”. The more evolved, older souls have more in common across all the world religions than they have in common with the dogmatic, closed, rigid ultra conservative end of their own religion.
Likewise, the younger souls, the more dogmatic have more in common with the dogmatic across the different religions, even though they may not see that. Most religions have a range within them, from the dogmatic to the more esoteric.
As you grow, you can step back and observe and understand what you may be witnessing and make more sense out of the so called “Christian” that believes it is OK to separate parents and children at the boarder because “those people” don’t count. Or “Christians” who say they love God, yet black lives don’t matter, etc. etc. down through history and in our world right now. This can frequently cause some very painful rifts in couples, families, generations, where different beliefs and developmental soul levels may be clashing, seeing the world through very different eyes, beliefs, values, awareness and consciousness.
Remember, the path is the same for all of us. Where we are on the path is different. It is not right or wrong, it is simply different. The older souls can understand the younger souls, but the younger souls cannot understand beyond the are they currently are. The curriculum is the same for all of us. But, how fast or slow we learn that curriculum is up to free will and years / lifetimes of experiences. We each have a chronological age and a spiritual soul age. It helps to be aware of that and remember that. It is important to align our expectations to match that reality, in order to save a lot of conflict and suffering.
Just strive to BE love, be kind, be patient. Strive to embody and live the fruits of the spirit. – Caterina
“The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” ~ Galatians, Chapter 5
“Only when trained and disciplined through contact with the divine Love does a person’s intellect change into divine intelligence. That is why all great souls become gentle and simple, sweet, childlike, and of goodly intelligence. The arisen Universal Christ is born from the heart, not from the intellect. Affirm: I am divine love. I find God in simple things. ” ~White Eagle
“The symbol of the Star is given to convey to your finite minds the idea of the perfect balance between light and darkness, for this perfect balance is all light. In the perfect balance there is no darkness at all. Affirm: I am a perfect Star; I am divine light.” ~White Eagle
“The ploughman ploughs a straight furrow by fixing his/her gaze on a marking post; and so we say keep your vision on the marking post, the guiding post. The post we give you reaches high, far above the earth. And upon that post is s glorious six-pointed star, symbol of man – woman perfected, the Christed man – woman. You can never go wrong if you give your heart to that symbol of the six-pointed star. It will never misguide you, never mislead you. Affirm: I follow the Star.” ~ White Eagle