Three minute clip from What has Heart Energy for you?Fourteen minute video - What has Heart Energy for you?Two minute clip from: Caution: Your Ego Lies!Eighteen minute video- Caution: Your Ego Lies.
Two minute clip from: IntroductionTwenty seven minute video - Introduction
I encourage you to share these videos and website information with your groups, your group leaders, your kindred souls of caring hearts and sending this on to your lists. Let this be contagious with the speed of wildfire. If COVID-19 could spread around the globe in 3 months, this power and energy of GoodWill for all life and our planet earth can also spread “in the blink of an eye”, but it needs you to answer your heart’s call and serve to make this a reality.
I believe this Light Grid of Love exists on the Higher Realms, our part is to magnetically pull down that energy through us, spread it out, and also anchor it into the core of our Mother Gaia, making this a manifested reality on this dimension.
The resetting of the earth is in process. The birthing process has begun. The launching of is with the Solstice, June 21st, 2020. Summer for the Northern Hemisphere and Winter for the Southern Hemisphere. The goal to have this Light Grid of Love in place is the Fall Equinox of September 21st, of this year of 2020, to also coincide with the United Nations International Day of Peace, which will be combined with special peace activities that weekend of the 19-21st.
Accept your Soul’s Challenge and Heart Call to be a part of this. ~Caterina